My playlist!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

At Dixie Crossroads in Titusville

Feeding the fish at Dixie Crossroads!

(another cell phone pic)

I thought I'd share with you a photo that I took at my daughters dance recital rehearsal a month or so ago... this was a difficult one because there was no FLASH allowed during the show. So I had to bring my tripod (cuz camera shake is an issue when you are using a slow shutter speed!) and continuously adjust the camera settings to try to get them just right. Since my daughters performance wasn't until nearly the end of the recital, I had plenty of time to take shots and then adjust camera settings before her class came out and I could get the shot I was looking for. WELL... about halfway through the show (still at least 45 minutes before my daughters class) another parent sitting in the section to my left started taking FLASH pictures of her child up on the stage... and suddenly the place was swarming with staff members... they walked around telling anyone with a camera that they had to put them away.... cuz they didn't know who it was that was using the flash... so EVERYONE was punished because of this darned woman! Anyway... while the staff member was still watching me, I took my camera off the tripod and set it down next to me (in the seat) and then put my tripod away... but I kept the camera next to me. Every now and then I would calmly pick up the camera and take another shot (handheld! YIKES!) and then adjust the camera settings more... by the time my daughters class came out I think that I was ready. Here's the shot that I got... I think it would have been even better if I could have had my tripod still set up, but I'm SO VERY happy with this one! I sent it to several of the moms from her class and they said that this shot was even better than the one they purchased from the professional that was at the show! Hooray for me!!

Friday, August 1, 2008


This one is from the 4th of July... again, this was my first attempt at photographing fireworks. (as you can see, I'm still learning and experiencing new things with my photography... maybe one day you'll be able to call me a professional photographer! Hopefully sooner than later!)

I studied long and hard for this night... I wanted to have all the info I needed BEFORE I got there, so that I didn't have to fumble in the dark with my camera settings trying to get them "just right" for the fireworks. I really like what I was able to get... what do you think??

I call this one, "Tea Party with Herself" because my daughter is the only one in the shot! I took three separate pictures (with costume changes in between... and hair style changes) and then in Photoshop I combined them all together.

My daughter had a GREAT time doing this... she loves to play dress-up and she loves being my model, so she got to do both at the same time! And it doesn't hurt that little miss vanity now has a picture of herself hanging in her room... a picture of 3 of herselves! LOL She loves this picture.

My next project idea is to take a picture of my daughter watching herself play a game on our DS.

This is actually an item that I am selling to some of the other parents at my daughters school... I've done several photoshoots with their daughters and made them into triplets! So far, everyone has been very happy with the results! (whew)

Speaking of MAD SKILLS!

If you are in the area (near Winter Springs) and you want a neat picture taken of you or your children, I'm available! I'll post a couple of my favorite pictures (as soon as I find them on the computer!) and you can see what I'm talking about.

I had a photoshoot with my daughter in the front yard - there were 3 different costume changes, including hair and accessories! and created a lovely picture of her having a tea party with herself. At first glance, it appears that it's a shot of three little girls having a fun tea party, but upon closer inspection you can see that it's all the same little girl (just in different outfits!).

I've got another of one of my daughters school friends playing in her bedroom... magically, she's in three places all at once!!

I was hoping that this afternoon I'd have the chance to get another photo of this type, but this time just twins. (both my daughter, of course!) I've got an interesting idea that I'd like to work on, but as long as the weather isn't cooperating, I can't do a thing! Darned refreshing, rejuvinating and cooling rain! LOL Okay, I don't really hate the rain (love it actually) I'm just anxious to get to work on my newest idea!

It's a rainy Friday afternoon!

Was hoping to get outside and take some new pictures of both myself and of my little peach of a daughter - but the Good Lord had other plans! It started raining earlier than usual today! (for the last few weeks it's started raining around 3 o'clock or so... today, it started before noon! grrrr...!)

SO... I had lunch with one of my best friends today at Chipotle (if you've never eaten there, you should definitely try it! It's yummy!) and then after she went back to work, my daughter and I stopped into Target (since it was raining, we figured we didn't have anything else to do!) and I bought a new car charger for my cell phone. Got in the car and opened it up to find that the darned thing didn't fit in my phone (even though it SAYS that it's for ALL Samsung phones!!) So... I'll be heading back to Target sometime in the next few days to return it. Again, grrrr!!!

Okay, so far this blog seems pretty darned boring! I need to find some of my pictures to include and hopefully impress you with my MAD SKILLS!

4th of july sunset at the Sanford marina

Cute Little Kitty

Brand new at Blogging... will learn as I go!

Hello and welcome to my brand new BLOG! I've heard about them and even read some written by others... hopefully I create something that is awesome and that will be a joy for others to read! (and perhaps I'll even remember to write in it every now and then!)

Now... let me finish this entry and go on to do more setting it up! Wish me luck!