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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Meeting a friend of daddy's

We are so excited!! Next weekend we are going to be driving out to St Cloud to meet up with one of my husbands managers from Disney. She knew him for many years before he and I got together... she's actually the one that said to him "She likes you, you should ask her out to dinner" (of course, it took him over a month to finally do it!)

She lives on a large piece of property and has many animals (which my daughter is thrilled about) but the best part is that she's got lots of stories to share with my little pumpkin about her daddy. When I called her, and heard her voice again after all these years (it's been a little over 4 years now) it brought memories of my husband flooding back to me.

My daughter has been asking more and more about her daddy, and I got the idea of trying to visit with one of his friends (if I could locate them!) and when I brought up the idea to my daughter she got very excited. Now that we are definitely going to visit with Caroline (the manager) we are both just bursting with energy and excitement. And my little "vet in training" was even MORE excited when I told her about all the animals they had at their house!! LOL

I'm debating bringing my little digital recorder along to maybe get the stories recorded?? What do you think of that idea?

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