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Friday, January 16, 2009

"Happy" New Year

I've been inspired by several of my friends... they are on a mission to re-shape themselves this year. One of them is taking photos of herself each week to track her progress, and she's making herself accountable to an entire website of people! I don't know if I have the gumption to do that myself... but I'm going to put it on here anways.

Right now, I'm about 60 lbs overweight. 60 lbs doesn't SOUND like that much, it should be easy to get rid of... right?? Well, considering that I've been trying for years and years... I put that in italics because I'm not sure that "trying" is what I've actually been doing. I've been unhappy with my weight and I've had the intention of doing something about it... but I've never really taken any steps to actually change it.

I've said "I'll start eating better next week" or "after this weekend, I'll start biking again"... but guess what!? I NEVER DO! (surprised right?!)

I've been at this weight for about 3 1/2 years now... not gaining anymore and not losing either. I know that what I am eating NOW is not making me bigger... but it's also not helping me to get any smaller. When I lost my husband, I stopped caring about what I was eating or how I was eating... I didn't do any exercise (other than chasing my toddler around the house), I stopped caring how I looked or how I dressed and even my personal hygiene (I know it's a gross thought!) went south for a while. (an EXTREMELY short while, I assure you!) Personal Hygiene was the first to return... not showering for a couple of days makes my head itch!

It's been nearly 5 years now and I've finally come full circle. I think I'm ready to get myself back... I think I owe it to my daughter, to have a healthy and energetic mommy again... like I was when she was just a year old and we still had her daddy with us.

I'm commiting myself to making a change (or two or three) for the better.


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