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Friday, January 30, 2009

As many of you know, I currently work for a local daycare doing their grocery shopping for them. (I get the milk and baby food and all of the breakfast and lunch ingredients, etc) This taks all of about 4 hours each week... paychecks are a miserable amount!!

SO! I've been looking for a job for months now... with no luck. (read previous posts for THAT story!)

Well... a month or so ago one of the managers (at one of the stores I shop at for the daycare) was complaining about one of his employees. She's unreliable, lazy... hates to work, etc. I jokingly said to him "You should hire me, I'm reliable and hard-working" then he said "you already have a job" I told him about how little hours I put in for the daycare... and after a little more chit chat, he finally said "I just hired a bunch of new people, but by February most of them will have quit - they are young and don't seem very reliable"

Well, last week when I came into the store for my weekly shopping visit - he approached me in the cereal isle and asked me "Can you work weekends?" This was the first thing he said to me... didn't give me a "Hi, how are you today" or any of the usual greetings.... so I was a bit taken aback by his "Can you work weekends" question. So I asked him why and he explained about one of the girls who always had some excuse as to why she couldn't work her full shift, or couldn't come in at all... he was going to be transferring her to another store. He said that once he did, he'd have an opening for a cashier. He gave me a website to visit to do an "online" interview - which was a series of questions you had to answer... apparently if you answer them correctly, you get a call from one of the managers to come in for a face-to-face interview.

I did the thing online and a few days later went back into the store... the manager went back and pulled up my info and said he needed about a week or so... he was still working through the employee transfer.

SO! If you are a praying person, I'd appreciate some prayers thrown up for me. This job would be perfect. It's during the day (when my daughter is in school) and even though I still have to put her into the 'after-care" at school, it would only be for just over an hour. And although the job would requre that I work weekends, it's not EVERY weekend. They rotate the weekends between the three daytime cashiers. I've got quite a few people who have already volunteered to help out with my daughter on those weekends. (plus I can ask both sets of grandparents - so I'm not real worried about the weekends)

I am concerned about how my little squirt is going to react to the need for her to go into after-care in the afternoons, she's never had to do that before... hopefully it will be a smooth transition.

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