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Saturday, September 20, 2008

A new photography experience tonight!

Wow. I had a friend ask me if I could come and take pictures of her daughter (and her sister, and her niece and her nephew) getting baptized. Not the dunk them in the water type, but the pour a little Holy water on your head type... the way I understood it was that I'd be taking pictures of the children in their cute little outfits and the actual baptism.

WELL. Once I got there and had my camera out... everyone and their brother wanted a "family" picture because they hadn't had one in YEARS. Okay, I'm not an "event" photographer. I do portraits. Usually with my backdrops set up, my lights going... shoot through umbrellas and the like... I was completely thrown out of my comfort zone tonight with this "event"!!! I didn't have my lights, I didn't have my backdrops, I didn't have my umbrellas to diffuse the flash... HOLY MOLY did I feel nervous!

I took it all in stride. When gramma came over and asked me to take a picture of her with her twin sister - I got them together and posed them how I wanted then snapped the picture... when Jeremy came and wanted a picture with his little cousin Anthony "no problem" I got the shot.

Okay, every shot I was taking was turning out underexposed - because I didn't have my lights!!! The only available light was coming from my speed light (my external flash) and the fluorescents on the ceiling... it wasn't enough!! They were coming at me too fast to be able to play with my camera settings too much... I tried!! I got a TON of pictures.

Now I am praying that the Good Lord see's it in his heart to make these pictures come out well. I sure could use the money that this would generate for me!

I'm off now to upload the pictures to my computer, so I can start looking over them and deciding which pictures are sell-able and which aren't! I'll keep ya' posted. (maybe!)

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