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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Update on my mother

As it turns out, they've decided that she had a stroke during the procedure... she has FEELING in her right leg, but she cannot move it... she's got no control over it.

Just last night they located a spot for her to do some rehab and physical therapy, so they moved her to a new (closer) location. My daughter and I went to visit her - but of course, my daughter only wanted to play with grampa. "Hi Gramma, Grampa can we go for a walk around the hospital?" (that's pretty much how it went)

AND my daughter wrote me this cute little love letter at school today, (it's posted in a separate post) and as she was pulling it out of her backpack she said "Momma, I made you a valentine letter but I'm gonna show it to gramma" then she handed it to my mother. My mother read it and started crying... even though it very obviously wasn't for her... and my daughter even SAID just before she handed it to her that it was for me... and my mother told my father to put it in her address book because she wanted to save it.

As we were leaving, I asked my mother if I could have the letter so that I could take it home and scan it... then I'd send it back to the hospital with my dad tomorrow... she opened it up and read it again, then she handed it to me. So, luckily I at least get to have a "copy" of the letter!!

We are still enjoying the nice quiet house, now my father will be able to come home in the evenings (instead of sleeping in a chair in the hospital room) which makes us all very happy (especially my daughter!). I'm actually starting to sleep a little bit better (a little) with the house so quiet in the evenings... and no stress of worrying what's going to set off my mother "this time"

I'm still jobless... but still looking...

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